Various Events in Keihanna Science City
In Keihanna Science City, active exchanges between citizens and researchers, among researchers, etc. are held through various events.
Citizen-Researcher Interaction
- Lectures open to the public in cooperation with universities
- Mahoroba · Keihanna SSH (Super Science High School) Science Festival
We hold the festival for junior high school students and high school students in and around the city. It consists of lectures and poster sessions, and at poster sessions, free opinion exchange and discussion with researchers and engineers are held, which creates a precious place for education.
- Keihanna Science Cafe
We invite experts who are active in various fields as guest speakers, deepening mutual exchanges among lecturers and other participants about topics of cutting-edge science and technology, and aim to create new business by interchange of different industries.
- Innovation Mixer in Keihanna
We hold opportunities for exchange of information in a wide range of themes across various industries among employees and researchers of various location facilities such as companies and research institutions located in the city.
- Keihanna R&D Fair
Information and telecommunications related organizations located in this city cooperate to introduce state-of-the-art technologies and research achievements in the field of information and communication by presentation, demonstration and other information.
<Other Efforts>

Keihanna Philosophy Café 'Goethe no Kai'

Keihanna Information and Communication Fair
Business Mixer
- Keihanna Business Trade Fair
In order to contribute to the creation of new industries and the promotion of regional industries by providing places of collaborating and matching between seeds which small and medium enterprises, venture companies, universities and research institutions with cutting-edge technology located in this city, and industrial needs of various fields, we hold exhibition business meetings.
- Kyoto Smart City Expo
We will provide opportunities to connect with new business by establishing a place for domestic and foreign ICT industry related companies, organizations, researchers, etc. to gather and exchange and to receive stimulus from each other. We will also give lectures by AI and IoT experts and introduce actions of developed local governments.