In Keihanna Science City, advanced research and development in various fields such as environment and energy, information and communication technology (ICT), bioscience, optical science, and robotics is being conducted.
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
Computational neuroscience Deep interaction science Wireless and communications Life science Global innovation ecosystem
Under the newly formulated of principle "Together to the Top for Future Society" in May 2023, ATR drives innovation ecosystem as a research institution while it addresses challenges through pioneering research and innovation in ICT-related fields with an international perspective and elevates external collaboration and personal exchange.
We are conducting research and development in the fields of brain information science to investigate brain functions and apply consequential results; deep interaction to deeply understand the interactions between human-robots; wireless and communications to achieve highly reliable telecommunications technology and radio wave utilization; and life science to promote cross-disciplinary science, and are working to commercialize results through affiliated companies and "Keihanna ATR Fund".

R&D of Android Avatars with Beyond-Human Expressive Capabilities JST Moonshot R&D Avatar Symbiotic Society Project / RIKEN
a network decoded from fluctuations in brain activity
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Universal Communication Research Institute (UCRI)
Information and communication technology
Universal communication Multi-language Dialogue Behavior support
UCRI is one of Japan's leading R&D centers in the field of AI and is engaged in social implementation and R&D related to multi-language, dialogue, behavior support support technologies aiming to achieve universal communication among the people of the world. We will contribute to solving social issues and creating new values by eliminating the barriers of language, knowledge, and data usage, in international business, elderly care, and environmental risk reduction, etc.

Web-based Knowledge Disseminating dialog Agent (WEKDA)

Predicting mobility risks by cross-data analysis

Prototype simultaneous interpretation system
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
Global warming CCUS Global warming mitigation scenarios Biorefinery Membrane reactors
We are conducting research and development of innovative energy and environmental technologies as a COE for global warming countermeasure technology. These include developing CCS technology that captures CO2 from the exhaust gas of power plants and steel works and stores it in an underground aquifer, biorefinery technology to produce fuels and chemicals from non-food biomass, systematic study regarding policies and measures to mitigate global warming through the analysis and the evaluation of various countermeasures, and research on inorganic membranes that are expected to be applied to the separation and purification of hydrogen, which is essential for a hydrogen society.

Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
Research on cultural properties Nara Palace Site Wooden tablet Excavation survey Immovable cultural property
The institution is located in Nara City, adjacent to the Nara Palace Site(the Heijo Palace Site). This is an organization that comprehensively surveys and researches cultural properties, mainly ruins, buildings, gardens, and cultural landscapes, which are called real estate cultural properties. Activities extend not only to within Japan but also overseas including other Asian countries.
Additionally, it provides training, cooperation and advice to officials in charge of cultural properties in Japan and overseas.

Remains were excavated and preserved during the construction of the government building

The Main Building of Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
Disease modeling/Drug discovery research and Platform development/Disease-specific iPS cells Machine learning/Artificial Intelligence (AI) Computational theory of mind/Autonomous robot that can make people feel the "heart" Collaboration with industry and academia/Co-creation
As Japan's sole comprehensive research institute in the natural sciences, RIKEN conducts research and development in a wide range of fields at many sites in Japan and overseas. With the goal to generate world-class research results, RIKEN has established a number of "science and technology hubs" that collaborate with industry and universities to bring about innovation. Research in Keihanna Science City is being conducted by teams from the Guardian Robot Project (GRP) and the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), as well as the iPSC-based Drug Discovery and Development Team at the RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC).

National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST)
Kansai Institute for Photon Sciencee
Quantum science and technology High-intensity lasers Quantum scalpel Industrial and medical applications The Kids' Science Museum of Photons
Following the successful development of powerful lasers such as J-KAREN, an ultra-short pulse laser of the world's top class, we work on academic, medical, and industrial applications for high powered lasers, including development of a compact accelerator for use in particle beam cancer therapy, practical use of remote and non-contact methods to detect defects in concrete using lasers, and a palm-sized non-invasive blood glucose level sensor and more.